If you were building a room addition to your home, there would be many questions you'd want to ask the contractor prior to hiring him for your job. Here are a few questions you should ask pertaining to the opening and repair of your safe or vault that will help you decide whether or not the person or company you are considering is up to the task and will provide good service and value.
Ten (not twenty) Questions:
1. Will the work be performed by your own staff or do you sub-contract these jobs to other companies and add a fee?
2. Do you have the skills, specialized training and equipment to do this job in a professional manner and can you supply me with current client references?
3. Will my safe need to be drilled or are your technicians skilled and competent in advanced diagnostic procedures, combination lock manipulation and other non-invasive/destructive techniques.
4. Are you licensed, bonded and insured (numbers and coverage limits)?
5. How many years of experience do you have opening and repairing the type of safe, vault or ATM that I am locked out of?
6. Do you charge a "flat-rate, not to exceed price" or an open-ended "hourly rate" for openings?
7. If needed, do your service personnel carry locks, parts and supplies on-board that will allow them to return my equipment to it's full function and integrity?
8. Can you open my safe, vault or ATM with NO damage or minimal repairable damage, even if it has been butchered by a burglar or amateur opening attempt?
9. Can you complete the job and return my safe, vault or ATM to useful service in one visit?
10. Do you guarantee results, as well as your workmanship?
You really want to be careful about who you invite into your home or business to do security-related work. There are lots of scammers out there, as well as the merely incompetent posing as professionals.
If you are the owner or custodian of a safe or vault and live in the San Francisco Bay Area or own a business here, please check out my web site at the link, below.
OR if you want to find a honest, reputable and competent safe technician anywhere else in the United States or anywhere in the world, check out the Safe & Vault Technician's Association (SAVTA) You can search for qualified techs who can open, service or repair any safe, vault or ATM chest on the Safetech Search Page:
Thanks for reading my blog. Questions and/or comments are always welcom
© 2008-2017 by Ken Doyle The Safecracker
ADVANCED Safe & Vault
San Francisco Bay Area
+1 (415) 519-3401
Send me an email